Saturday, August 9, 2008

Teleport Beacons

New Champions currently holds beacons for all known zones. Should new beacons become available that we do not currently have, a notification will be put up.

Atlas Park

Skyway City

Steel Canyon

Talos Island

Independence Port

Rikti War Zone


Galaxy City

Peregrine Island

Founders Falls

Kings Row



Dark Astoria

Creys Folly

Terra Volta




The Hollows

Perez Park


The Supergroup base, Base, is intended as haven from the violent world outside. It is a place to relax, chill, and organize.

Current focus
Right now we are working towards expanding our transportation hub, which means earning enough prestige to expand the base and upgrade our Teleport chamber. Currently we have all of the Teleport beacons. If there are any missing, please feel free to acquire the badges necessary to active the beacon. A list of Teleport beacons can be found here.

Using the Base
The first and most important rule of utilizing the Base is, be polite. Don't do anything you wouldn't want someone else to do.

Welcome to New Champions!

Congratulations in taking your first step towards a better world. The New Champions are a group dedicated to upholding the Law, pursuing Good, and administering Justice. It is not just a job, it is a way of life.

To begin, you may want to skim through some of the information presented within these pages. It is intended to help the group, and to help the heroes, so that we all of us may excel.

Prestige and Influence
Supergroup Mode
Costume Slots